These are cosplayers and TikTok users looking to jump in on a fun trend going viral on a popular app mocking women for holding a PlayStation controller a certain way or acting “cringey” takes away from people having fun on the app, and it bleeds into bullying territory. There’s a demand for women on TikTok to answer for their performances, even when that has nothing to do with their actual intention. It reiterates an ongoing trend in gaming where terms like “fake gamer girl” are thrown around, and women are challenged on their knowledge of gaming.

Women, often dressed in cosplay as Overwatch characters, become something to poke fun at, going against everything the original song and video stood for. Popular YouTubers like PewDiePie have picked up on the meme, including it in their TikTok Cringe roundups, racking up millions of views. The goal is to make fun of people, often young women, who are singing along to the song with a PlayStation or Xbox controller in their hand. A collection of examples is available in the compilation below. While some TikTok users have used it to stage their own karaoke sessions, taking on the duet with other TikTok Overwatch aficionados, others have abused the tool to make fun of the people who are participating in the meme. It’s TikTok’s split screen that’s directly influenced the latest Overwatch meme iteration. The app’s editing suite offers a more interactive experience, including split-screen capabilities, which allow users to reply to and remix another person’s work. It allows users (mostly teens and young adults) to perform karaoke, bust out complex choreography, try their hand at comedy, or show off their cosplay skills. TikTok is one of the fastest-growing apps in the world. But reaction to a new TikTok meme does the complete opposite. The original song and video’s goal was to usher in a wave of positivity within the Overwatch community to showcase that men shouldn’t automatically assume women will play support roles. It’s catchy and charming, but it also addresses some of the stigmas associated with playing support characters in a game like Overwatch. Last year, a cute song about Overwatch called “No Mercy” was published on YouTube, racking up more than 34 million views.